cure) of CT3, benznidazole and posaconazole to achieve sterile cure of intracellular T. cruzi parasites after four and eight days of incubation. Data correspond to three independent in vitro experiments, the absence of motile parasites by live microscopy after 25 days of monitoring was considered no relapse. (C) Time to kill analysis of CT3 against of bloodstream form of T. b. brucei parasites. The data represent the mean ± SEM (n=3 independent biological replicates). With both parasites, note the concentration and time-dependent killing by CT3. (D) The absolute concentrations (ACcure) required to achieve sterile cure under in vitro conditions of bloodstream form of T. b. brucei parasites with six and 24-hour incubation of CT3, acoziborole and fexinidazole. Luminescence relative units (RLU) of a curative concentration of melarsoprol were used as a threshold for determining the “no relapse” point in treated samples. Data correspond to 3 independent experiments. Credit: