1. The authors used mice( genes believed to have been changed in # Crohns ) that were doubly deficient in Nod2 / Cybb /] NADPH oxidase ( DKO ). These DKO pups develop spontaneous gut # inflammation after weaning( 3 weeks after birth ) when they are fostered with Taconic dams but not Jax Dams. pic. LdoBA8Dfao on TwitterDavid Usharauli(@ 3DiMMUNE ) on April 20, 2019.
3. employing the linear discriminant analysis tool # microbiota
The author discovered that M. schaedleri, a specific microbiota species, displayed 1349-fold enrichment in DKO mice but not in single KOs using the( LDA ) effect size (# LEfSe ) methodology. pic. twitter.com / BzMUB63cGfDavid Usharauli(@ 3DiMMUNE ) on April 20, 2019.5. 5. Time analysis revealed that DKO puppies were only weaned before they were fostered with Tac dams that contained M. schaedleri and IgA. Post-weaning of these # antibody titers, which was correlated with the onset of # CrohnsDisease-like phenotype, causes them to rapidly decline. pic. elMRXdMdv3 on twitter.comDavid Usharauli(@ 3DiMMUNE ) on April 20, 2019.
In conclusion, this study demonstrated that mice that were exposed to the specific gut # microbiota, Mucispirillum schaedleri and doubly deficient for two specific genes, # NOD2 and # NADPH oxidase, could recapitulate # spontaneous gut # inflammation.David Usharauli(@ 3DiMMUNE ) on April 20, 2019.
So, in this case, we have a comprehensive model of spontaneous gut inflammation that is brought on by an individual gut microbe in an host who is genetically susceptible. Is this how Crohn’s disease spreads to people as well?David Usharauli(@ 3DiMMUNE ) on April 20, 2019.