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40,963 articles retrieved since June 2023
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Latest articles retrieved by SciSync
TWiV 1192: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin
In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin and Vincent Racaniello discuss confirmation of Robert F K…
Innovative blood test shows potential to replace spinal tap for Alzheimer’s diagnosis
Up to half of all people living with Alzheimer’s Disease in Ireland remain undiagnosed. Now, a…
Some Things I’ve Read Recently…in STAT, The Sick Times, Van Der Zee’s Blog
By David Tuller, DrPH Embedding ME/CFS in NIH’s RECOVER initiative Ian Lipkin is a well-known profes…
[ASAP] Multilayered Freestanding Porous Polycarbonate Nanosheets with Directed Protein Permeability for Cell-Encapsulated Devices
ACS Applied Bio MaterialsDOI: 10.1021/acsabm.4c01446